About the Friends’ Association of Bonneville (FAB!)

Welcome to FAB, the Friends’ Association of Bonneville. We hope this gives you more information about who we are and what we do.

Click here to visit our FAB News page

What is FAB?

  • FAB is what is often called a PTA or Parent-Teacher Association.
  • These are groups of parents, carers, and other friends of the school who work together with teachers and other staff to support their work for the school in a number of different ways; including providing those additional things that enrich children’s experiences at school but which cannot be covered by the school’s budget.
  • We do this through fundraising, organising events for adults and/or children to socialise and have fun!
  • FAB is a registered charity #1106264 with a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, each with specific roles

Who is FAB? – You are FAB!

  • Everyone who is part of the school community is automatically a member of FAB. So all parents and carers belong to FAB and are welcome at all meetings, the AGM and our events. 
  • FAB runs regular fundraising events throughout the year. We can continue to run these events thanks to individual contributions of time, effort and enthusiasm, and we say a huge thanks to our volunteers for their continuing support.

How is FAB fundraising used?

  • In the past, FAB has contributed funding for school trips, playground enhancements, works related to the edible garden and forest school
  • A key priority for the coming year is fundraising to support the school plan to build a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).

How can I get involved with FAB?

  • FAB welcomes volunteers to help out on the organisational committee and to get involved in arranging events / activities. All support is welcome – no matter how much or how little time you are able to give.
  • FAB runs various events throughout the year including Winter and Summer fairs, bingo / quiz nights, cake sales, uniform sale and various other special events. Come alone or as a group and join in the fun.
  • Do you have any skills or talents you would like to offer: e.g. craft, hobbies, gardening, baking, carpentry, painting, marketing, legal, financial…
  • Being involved with FAB is a great way to get to know other parents at the school and feel part of the school community – as well as making a real contribution to school-life for our children.

How do I contact FAB?

FAB Fundraising

Easy Ways to Fundraise or Donate to FAB

  • ‘Easyfundraising’ allows us to raise funds for FAB by turning everyday online shopping into FREE donations. When you use the website to shop with up to 3,600 retailers (e.g. eBay, John Lewis, Argos, NEXT and others) the retailer makes a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and easyfundraising gives those free funds to FAB.  It’s completely free with no catches. Registering is straightforward and takes less than 5 minutes through this link: https://bit.ly/2JBh2Cq. Please support our efforts to raise funds for FAB!
  • FAB is also registered with ‘Amazon Smile’ allowing donations to be collected for all shopping via smile.amazon.co.uk – this is also straight forward and can be accessed via https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1106264-0
  • Donations can also be made directly to the FAB bank account (sort code 20-21-78; account number 90343862; account name ‘Friends Association of Bonneville’).
  • Donations may be eligible for gift aid – please email fab.treasurer01@gmail.com for a gift aid form and return the completed form via email to allow gift aid to be claimed.

Other ways to contribute

  • A great way of supporting FAB and the school is to come along to our events and enjoy them! They are all organised and run by volunteers from the school community – parents and carers like you – so we always appreciate more help, whether you have a little time to spare to do a small task or more time available to do more.
  • You could contribute raffle prizes; help on or run a stall at the summer or winter fair; or help set up or clear away. We also need people to display an estate agent’s board advertising the Winter / Summer fairs outside their home and we get sponsorship from the estate agents for each board put up. Volunteering for our events is a fun way of being involved in your child’s school and meeting other parents and carers.
  • Do you work for a company that might support FAB by donating a raffle prize or sponsoring a stall at our winter or summer fair?
  • Do you work for a company that has a matched giving scheme for employees? If you don’t know, would you be prepared to ask them?