Calling for Action
Old Wellies Needed
We are in need of any old wellies of various sizes. These will be for children to use when visiting the forest school if they do not have a pair. Any size, pattern or design would great.
Superhero Comics
Do you have any old superhero comics lying around that can donate to a new home? Early years would really apperecite any that you have. Please bring any you have to the main office for the attention of Ms Auton.
Equipment Needed for Our Mud Kitchen
We will need a little help with equipment for our Mud Kitchen.
If you have any old pots, pans spoons trays or nay old kitchen equipment we can have please bring them to the office.
Thank you for your continued support.
Parent Helpers Needed For Our ‘Edible Garden’
We are eager for the children to once again begin planting in our edible garden! If you are available to prepare the soil and repair the plant beds then please let us know by completing the the form.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Please see the form link below.
Donations For EYFS Playground
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are currently developing our construction area in the EYFS playground. If you have any toy spanners, hammers, tool kits etc. that your child no longer uses, then we would be very grateful for these donations.
We are also developing our music area, so if you have any drums, shakers etc. then we would also love to hear from you!
If you can help, pop your details in the survey link below and Ms Auton will make contact.
Thank you for your support.
What Skills Can You Offer Our School As A Parent/Carer?
Please let us know of the skills that you can offer to Bonneville by completing a survey. Please find the survey link below.
Parent Reader
As school life has returned to normal, we are looking to recreate a bank of volunteers to accompany children on school trips, and possibly help in the School. We appreciate that some of you have expressed interest in volunteering in the past, and may have had a DBS check and gone with classes on trips previously, but many things have changed during the pandemic. If you are interested in volunteering, we would like to ask you to complete this form using this link: